
2014年4月 仙石高原 一の湯へ行きました その1


At the beginning of April 2014, we've the visitor from Australia. She is around 70 years old, but so powerful and full of energy.


She stayed our home at Sitama two nights and Mokumum took her to enjoy walking around Sitama and Tokyo.

ちょうど桜の時期で、日本に遊びにくるにはベストの季節ではないでしょうか。「 ビューティフル」を連発しておりました。

The season is just right to enjoy Cherry blossoms and I think that season is the best for visiting Japan. The Australian friend was so surprised how beautiful the cherry blossoms are.

 箱根に、ワンコと一緒に泊まれる温泉を見つけて、お泊りに行きました。 行く途中の高速からは富士山が見え、またまた「ビューティフル」とかいって写真を撮ってました。


運転中だったのですが、「ここへ止めて写真撮ったろか」 と思いました。残念ながらスペースがなく、通り過ぎてしまいましたが。

We found the Japanese style of hotel, which called Ryokan and booked already one month ago. The ryokan is OK to take our Moku with us.

On the way to the Ryokan, we could see beautiful Mt. Fuji and our friend took photos from our car and said "So beautiful! how lucky we are!". Most fortunately, we could see Mt. Fuji with the sunset. That was so nice and I really wanted to stop our car in the middle of the road to take photos.


When we arrived the Ryokyan, which called "Ichinoyu" it was around 6PM. It was just good time for me to take a bath before our dinner.

夜の酒盛りのために、近くのコンビニ(ローソン)へ歩いて買出しに行きましたが、車ではすぐと思ったのですが歩くと結構あり 、おまけに坂がきつくて疲れました。


Before I take a bath, I walked to the nearest convenience store. I thought it was very close to our ryokan, but it looks different with driving the car and the way to the shop was down hill and not so easy to return the uphill.


Moku looks very happy for the bigger room than our Satama's one.



Our dinner was a nabe, which is the food cooking in a small pot and share. Our Australian friend is not a big eater and also had only a glass of beer. Therefore, I eat so much to finish our nabe.

The staff of the Ryokan were so helpful and it makes our friend happy.


I have had so much and couldn't move and couldn't drink another beer either. Finally, even I shopped so much alcohol and nibbles, couldn't had them.

露天風呂がありました。30分刻みの予約制で 貸し切ることができます。とてもいいシステムと思います。

The Ryokan has a open air bath at outside and the hotel's guest could book that. The time schedule was  divided by each 30min and we book our time from 9:30PM to 10:00PM.

ただ、本当に露天風呂です(当たり前) 。服を脱ぐところも外で、やたらと寒くモクマムも外人さんも断念しました。私だけつかっておりました。

However, the open air bath is at outside (of course) and the dressing room was also at the outside and so cold. Mokumum and our friend couldn't take a bath, because it's so cold out there. Only I took the bath.


Actually, because we don't have much chance to take a air bath,  I think it's good idea to take, even it was little cold. When I soak in a hot water, I felt so nice. I think if I could bring some alcohol and could have more time, it must be nicer.

Our trip to Hakone continue...


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