
20140309 越生梅林へ行きました



It was 9th of March we went to Ogosebaien, which is famous for ume trees. It's a bit early for cherry blossoms, but good time for ume.

I have another topic to post, which is for Hakone trip, but I need to post soon, otherwise it's gonna be in May and summer will be coming quickly.


Moku was good boy when we took photos. Just he sit and watched my camera, because of his age I guess.


I know nothing about flowers, but I like taking pictures. I guess these ones are ume.



Photo of Moku and ume trees. It's much more beautiful than that photo.  When we got there, we saw photography event. Many guys were taking photos of two girls. All the photographers have cameras, which looks very expensive.


If you only see this photo, the guy looks taking the steam locomotive just for fun, but actually, there were some passengers behind him.


We've found  a railroad crossing there, but we didn't look that alarmed. It should alarm otherwise the traffic accident might occur and the train cannot travel just like Tobu Tojyo line at Saitama.


I couldn't take good photos of flowers, because of my poor skill for photography or maybe because of my very cheap camera...? I wish I could take photos much closer to flowers.


I remember that the day was pretty warm, but still beginning of March, Mokumum  wore winter clothes. She looks like topical old woman, who wear so much clothes to warm up.


It doesn't matter ume or cherry blossoms. Important thing is that it's enough to be warm to drink outside under the tree. From this season to cherry blossom season, which should be begging of April, it is very nice season in Japan, particularly for the people, who love drink alcohol. Only the bad thing is hay fever, which many Japanese people have problem.


There were stools there. These days, I cannot buy from them, because of the price. I understand why the price is not cheap, because of the stall there, but sill I cannot buy.


On the way to our home, we dropped by the small shop and found these ichigo daifuku, which is a kind of Japanese confection consist of strawberry inside. Daifuku is a rice cake with sweet bean paste. Piratically these ones have another strawberry on the top. Mokumum was so happy to find them and got four or five of them.


At last, I finished to post the topic of ume, and next should be about cherry blossoms, but it's already middle of April. I should post another one soon.


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