
2013年12月15日 ヒルトップ・ファームへ行きました

Hilltop Farm へ行きました。東松山にあり、モクマムが誰だったかのブログで見つけたとか言ってました。

15th of December, we went to the cafe restaurant, which called Hilltop Farm at Higashimatsuyama. Mokumom has found the cafe in her favourite blog.


Unfortunately, we cannot bring our dogs in the shop, but when I went into the cafe, found a wooden stove and very warm and also looks very nice.

Oh! please let me in!


We have no choice but to use the outside terrace table. The problem was very cold and no other people were outside.

パスタが運ばれてきました 。早く食べないとすぐにさめてしまいます。

We've got some pasta, but we better to eat hurry, otherwise they're getting cold soon.


Next to the cafe, there was another shop. They have coffee cups, glasses, some old stuff, dolls and more. I don't know how good they are. (I have no knowledge)


A cup of coffee and a small cake. That's very small, but was tasty.


After the lunch, we started to walk around there, but it was too cold to walk and back to our car soon. It cannot be a good exercise for Moku.


今日は、悪者が居なかったとみえて、子供達との握手会です。正義の味方は、子供達にもとても優しく、 いやな顔一つせず(表情は分かりませんが)、大きなツリーの前に立って握手をしたり、記念写真に収まったり、つかの間の平和を満喫しているようでした。

On the way to our home, we went shopping and found so many people was making a long queue there.

I wonder why, but I found a popular TV character was there. His is called "Kamen Rider", which means "Masked Rider"

He usually, is fighting against bad fellows, but this day was very peaceful. It looks like he enjoyed peaceful day only for a moment.


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