2nd camping at Shoumon's Waterfall Auto Camping Area. This time, it wasn't a busy week, just a ordinary weekend and only a few visitors there. Particularly, on Sunday afternoon, we saw only one group there. We paid extra and stayed until afternoon.
It was so hot and I drunk beer and followed by Shochu, then finally Bourbon. It makes me very drunk.
I drunk too much and become very talkative. When we moved into a tent, I still was talking and Mokumam said "Stop talking".
However, I started to talk "No! I don't stop talking. Well, let me think... Yes, ounce upon a time, grandfather and grandmother lived...".
I continued, but because I drunk, I couldn't remember the story "Grandmother went to river to wash some clothes, and Grandfather went to ..... Uh... cannot remember... Hey, I don't remember what grandpa doing was. Tell me what"... I Think camping is great.
This time also I uploaded a movie on YouTube, but again Moku is eating some cake, which is for Mokumam's birthday. I think I uploaded cake eating movie too many. Next one must be the different one. What's supposed to give him to eat?
This is also a move and is not eating a piece of cake, but just walking.
Moku sit down the small chair, because the bigger one was broken. Maybe, I drunk and sit down that roughly. Anyway, Moku is on the chair, but it was the wrong way round.
Moku found some foods and stood up. Be careful with falling down.
となりに(といっても空いていたので、となりのとなりのエリアになりますが) 、ソロキャンパーがいました。これは、そのおとなりの焚火です。
We saw a man came to the camping alone. He looks like professional and different from us, who are very amateur. This open-air fire is not ours. The solo campers one.
That was the first time for me to use the gasoline lantern. I burned the gas mantle, before getting dark. At the night, so many bugs are coming to the lantern.
半日で充電電池が終わってしまったJBLのFLIPと、いつも持ち歩いているiPad miniです。アウトドアではアウトドアの遊びが必要みたいです。これはやはり、アコースティックギターが必要かもしれません。?
JBL FLIP bluetooth speaker and iPad mini, which I always carry. The battery got flat before getting dark. It may need some entertaining, which doesn't require electricity. Um, I may need a acoustic guitar..?
I found a small crab on our tent. I thought it might be a good idea to boil, but I didn't. The crab was so small.
Suddenly, Moku barked and we wondered why. Then, we found small monkeys. They were three there. We haven't seen monkeys since we found at the snow ski area it was long time ago.
I think it better to be careful when we left our tent to not to leave some foods. Otherwise, monkeys found foods and drinks and they might have a party at our tarp.
Moku lay down on the ground. It was still June, but daytime it's getting hot and it might be comfortable to lie down on the ground.
We've got a new chair, which is for two people, because one is broken, but the chair for two people is not so small. Also, we purchased a cooler box, because we only have soft coolers, but it was not small too. I wonder where to keep in our small house.
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