
2013/07/13_14 北軽井沢サンランドオートキャンプ場-2 Kitakaruizawa Sunland Auto Camp site 13/07/2013_14 -2


This post is a continuation of  Sunland Camping. After we had our lunch, we went to a walk with Moku. It's better to do some exercise for our health and make some beer tasty.


It looks they running very fast, but actually,  the camera was shaken. They just strolled.


The sign is so short.  I wonder the ground level has been changed, or someone make the pole shorter.


They have summer houses there and managed by the same office of Camping site.


Moku waiting Mokumum there. He doesn't care about me.


Next morning, our tent and tarp got much sunshine there. So, we took our table and chair to the opposite side and had breakfast. It got some shade.


It looks very far from  our tent. The other day, we got a tool for bread, but it took time to toast and we ate them when the bread was just warmed.


I used big area to strike our camp, because nobody there. When the time getting closer to noon, it's getting hotter. So, we decided to leaver in the morning.


The camping site is a good place, but not many people know about. Just, it's better to have some  plaything for kids, because they don't have river very close.


The outside temperature was 24.5 degree Celsius. It's much cooler then Turugashima. We had over 40 degree Celsius there. By the way, the speedometer has 240km, but we don't need.


We dropped by Asamabokujo, because we left in the morning.


Went for a walk again.  I only have some bad habits such as stay late at night, overeat and overdrink, but the camping makes me little healthier.


Moku wants to be  in Mokumum's arms. The movie is HERE. The photo was screen capture of the movie, but the quality looks not bad.


I am not sure the name of mountains, but the scenery was fantastic.

この間、仕事帰りに牛乳と塩昆布を頼まれましたが、しそ昆布を買って帰りました。 おこられました。

The other day, Mokumum asked me to buy a carton of milk and Shiokonbu, but I've got Shisokonbu. Mokumum said that's not she wants.



Yesterday, I went to my favourite grocery shop, I've got sushi, sashimi and asari clam and they all had red half price tags. Red half price tags are very tempting, but my shopping basket becomes all red and little embarrassing when I came to the checkout counter.


I don't know the name of this flower. After I started to use digital cameras, don't care what to shoot and how many photos I take. When I used film cameras, my sisters son played with a film camera and took useless photos such as clothes hanging for drying and surprised when developed the film.


We had our lunch at this noodle shop at Asamabokujo.


Outside tables are OK for with dogs, just we don't like some guys smoking. The photo has 4 tomatoes, because I put mine. I asked them to make my soup spicy, but it was not so hot.

Moku really wants some foods.


Some people said that Moku is very cute and took some photos. One of them said that wants to post on a blog, but I cannot find the blog.


We were heading to the entrance of express way and opposite side of the road was huge traffic jam. It looks continued forever from the exit of the express way to Kitakaruizawa.


These days, we very often go to camping and will go again soon, but don't want to be in the big traffic jam like that.


2013/07/13_14 北軽井沢サンランドオートキャンプ場-1 Kitakaruizawa Sunland Auto Camp site 13/07/2013_14 -1



荷物がいっぱいでほとんどパズル状態です。 ここに載らないクーラーボックスは助手席に陣取ってシートベルトしてます。

 These days, my blog becomes reports for the camping sites. This time is Sunland Auto-Camping Area at Kitakaruizawa.
We always start to go camping not early in the morning, just in the morning and tried to go earlier than usual and packed the day before.
However, I forgot to put in the 2-burner stove and remembered just before we start. If we didn't bring that, we cannot do cooking.




On the way to the camping site, we got foodstuff at the shop called Tsuruya, which is at Karuizawa.
The shop looks very popular and so many cars and people there and most people look like campers.
After that we've got a big traffic jam and it took around one hour for 1km to pass the Route 18 and this time also, we couldn't get to the camping site in the morning.



The site was empty. We were the only visitors there. I wonder why. The site only has 13 area for the camping, but nobody there.
We chose B-site, which doesn't have A/C outlet. I don't think we need the power outlet only for one night.


The camping area was big and nobody there, so we can pitch our tarp and tent anywhere we like, but if we keep the big distance between them, it is not convenient anyway.



Although the camping site was empty, the road has been used by the people, who live in the summer house there, because the camping site is managed by the same office.

こちらAサイトの道路側入り口で、 A/C電源付です。別に電源はいりませんが、トイレやシャワー、炊事場に近いのは魅力です。

This is A-site, which has the power outlet. I don't care the power, but the shower and toilets are very close.
This is the entrance.

Aサイトです 。この横に卓球場があります。
This is the A-site, and they have facilities next to it.


This is the next to the A-site and the building has toilets, shower rooms,  sinks and a big table tennis room.


Here is the shower room. There was no soap and conditioner either, but very clean and free. I used next day also.

やけに広い卓球場です。もっと台はおけると思いますが。卓球ラケット+ボール(2時間)で1,000円 だそうです。
The table tennis room was huge. I think they can put more tables there. 


しかし次の日の朝は日が当たってしまい、 暑かったです(考えてみれば当然です)。

The day was not very fine and sometimes we got some rain, but when we  pitch our tent, no rain there and some sunshine. So, we chose the shade of trees, but next day, there was no shade in the morning. (of course)

ちょっと遅めの お昼ご飯。またまたホタテとシシャモです。今回は焼きトウモロコシが参加しましたが、皮ごと焼いたせいかやけにおいしかったです。どうでもいいことですが、私はトウモロコシの粒を一つずつ取って食べるのが好きです。

This is the late lunch. Again, same seafood as before, just we put  an ear of corn. The corn was delicious, maybe because we put with the husk. I usually have corns picking grains one by one.


The other day, I shopped slatted woods to put under cooler boxes. Especially, for the new soft type cooler box, I don't want to put directory on the ground.


When I was shopping at the 100 Yen shop, I was talking with Mokumum over the phone and I went out holding 3 slatted woods from the shop, without paying money.


I've noticed when I just before the  escalator and rush to the shop again to pay the money.


It looks like a strange old man came into the shop and queued and paid the money without buying anything.

モクちゃんの写真が少ないので、関係ないですが一枚追加(後姿ですが)。しょっちゅう出かけるジョイフル本田で、便利包丁の実演販売を見るモクマムとモクです。 なんとなく、二人で感心して見ているみたいです。

This time, not many photos for Moku and I posted one here (took from the behind anyway). It took at the Joyful Honda again. Mokumum and Moku looked at the demonstration of some kitchen gadgets together.

The report for the Sunland Auto-Camping  Area to be continued.



2013年6月23日 みなかみアリストンログ&オートキャンプ場 2日目、 23/06/2013 Ariston Camp Site Minakami -day2


Actually, the photo is not the second day, just the first day. Anyway, the photo of our tarp and Moku. Inside the tarp is OK, but the canopy is not as high as my height, because I am 187cm tall.

ここのキャンプ場は、オートサイトは狭いし日陰もないので、夏休みとかの混んでいるときは、地面のコンディションがよくてもやっぱりバンガローにしようかと思います。 もしくは、フリーサイトの草むらでワイルドなキャンプもいいかも。

This  auto camp sites are so small and no shade. So, I think, it's better to chose bungalows when it comes to the popular summer time, or maybe the free sites are better, if you could stand with the wild grasses and the distance to the toilets.

値段は、 ワンコ連れなので、一泊13,000円。グループや家族で人数がいれば安いと思います。8人まで泊まれるとホームページにはありましたが、あまり大勢は、とくに自分のようなヨッパライのおっさんが多いとイビキの大合唱で、しらふでは寝られたものではないでしょう。

The price for one night with a dog was 13,000 yen for a bungalow. If you could use more people, it becomes cheaper. They said that we can use for 8 people, but I think, 6 people or so is enough for those.
Sleeping with many drunk men is not very comfortable.

夕方になり涼しくなってきました。景色もよく、 しばらく眺めていました。ボ~っとして何もしないことをしに行くのもいいと思います。

It's getting dark and getting cooler as well. The scenery  was excellent and I watched without doing anything. Just watching. Sometimes it's good to go somewhere for doing nothing, just stay there.


I remembered that when I was in Australia, we back to Japan every Christmas holidays and I always stayed long time at the Singapore airport for the transit. Actually, I didn't care for waiting 3 hours or hours or more, because I usually was very busy and in the airport, my mobile never ring and cannot work there. I could relaxed.

とても見にくいですが、右下に飛行機が飛んでます。 ゴミではありません。
It's not easy, but if you could watch carefully the lower right of the photo, you could find the tiny aircraft. 


The moon at the day was beautiful and I took many photos. Just my camera doesn't have a big zoom and only has 150mm. Actually, I want to have a better one, but I need to win the lottery.


I hung the  lantern, which I bought recently, because don't have much chance to use it. The bungalow was quite comfortable and we moved in when it's getting dark.


The bungalow got a socket (power point), and we could use electricity as much as we want, but I think, it's better to not use a lot. It may spoiled outdoor activities. It's supposed to be not very handy and convenient, either.


私がiPhoneを使うのは、「駅に着いたぞ」 と、週末のお買い物中の「今どこにいる?父さんはお酒売り場」だけです。メールは宣伝が来るだけです。ちなみに「駅に着いたぞ」と言ってもお迎えが来るわけではなく、そのまま歩いて帰ります。

Just one thing we prefer to have is the Internet connection, particularly for Mokumum. Her Softbank iPhone was out of range. The time for using the iPhone is longer than my time. Her iPhone always says something from her LINE members.

I only use my iPhone, I get off the train when I am back from my work and ask where Mokumum is when we went to shopping. Actually, if I ring Mokumum when I got off the train, she is not coming and I walk to my home anyway.

2日目は11時までにバンガローのカギを返せば、タープはそのままでBBQとかOKですといわれましたが、バンガローの外は暑く、早々に撤収しました 。

We have been told that we can stay until afternoon and do BBQ, if we could return the key of the bungalow, but we packed up and left before the noon, because it's getting hotter again.


On the way to our home, we left the highway around Isezaki city and dropped by a shop, which is OK to take dogs and had our lunch there. The shop was called "Chiffon's home".


There was a indoor and outdoor dog-run ,dogs swimming pool, trimming salon and a pet hotel. Just the writing of the staff was not tidy.


We've ordered Chiffon cake (half size) and  goat's milk from the dogs menu. Moku cannot wait!!

We've got a discount coupon, but it's not easy to go there for just a coffee or something.

Moku  relaxed when we got our home.